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Fteley and Streans Formula and Calculator

Fteley and Streans Weirs Formula and Calculator

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The Fteley and Stearns formula (lengths 5 ft and 19 ft under heads from 0.07 ft to 1.63 ft) for suppressed weirs is

Q = 3.31 b ( H + α V 2 2 g ) 3 / 2 + 0.007 b


α = factor dependent upon crest height Z (tables of values required).
H = head on weir in feet (or meters) (height of level liquid surface above crest)
V = average velocity of approach in ft/sec or m/s.
b = length of weir crest in feet (or meters)
Q = flow in cfs (or m3/s)
g = gravity ft/s2, (m/s2)


Schaum's Outline of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
